a snapshot

Jen Osborn posted a fun idea of taking a picture of what you’re working on every Wednesday and post it. Not sure if I can participate all the time, but I thought it was a fun idea.


This photo is pretty much a snapshot of my life:

My work table, encaustic palette, a large encaustic painting in progress on the table, a mixed media panel that will be bound into a journal cover and an egg-crate caterpillar that my 4 year old son and I have been working on. He and I have been working on some fun projects together. He made his first journal this week, punching the holes with my Rubi-coil and then coiling it up. He’s going to use it as a sticker book and sketch book, he told me. We are also going to start birding together. I’ve never done it, but I’m looking forward to learning how to be a birder with him. We checked out some books from the library yesterday, I’m going to prep what we need to make our bird journals, and my little guy has his binoculars ready! And now that it seems that spring is on its way to Chicago, maybe we’ll be seeing some birds soon. Hopefully.


  1. Before the trees leaf out — go around the places with trees and look for nests. Many species come back to the same nests and it can be easier to track the birds if you know where they live. (That sounds more ominous than I intend …)

  2. I like that you are able to capture the kid-involved moments to remember for later. 🙂 My two daughters and I love looking for birds and plants/flowers at the big park near us. And you can use any new birds you find in your art too. 🙂

  3. Neat idea, the wensdays snapshot. I might try participating. And isn’t great to have a younger creator in your midst? I have a little two year old niece but shes a little musician who loves Grandpa and all his musical ‘toys’, so I’m hoping the second (on the way now) will end up being a little artist.

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