I finished this piece a few weeks ago. When I was thinking of the title I asked my family their thoughts on it and they thought it was too long, but that’s what I want to say, so I stuck to it! So much of my artwork is about how we’re all connected on this planet – plant life, animal life, water and sky- from under the earth up to the heavens. But you know how when night falls and it’s a starry night and you’re sitting out there and you realize just how tiny you are in a vast universe that is still such a mystery to us and you feel so small and yet awed to be a part of it all? Yeah, that. Is there a shorter way to capture that?
I made this piece for an upcoming show called Nocturnal. I made a few more pieces as well that went in a different direction. Sometimes you just have to take a different path when you find yourself at the studio table. I’ll have to decide whether I send them all in together or not.