
Since I’ve been sick and we have so much to do around the house to get it ready to sell, I haven’t cooked dinner in…a week! This morning I had my grocery list in hand and everything that I needed was fresh, nothing boxed or packaged. So I decided to go down to the Pike Place Market with Noah instead of going to the regular grocery store. It’s only 10-15 minutes away depending on traffic, construction, and/or ding-dong drivers. I love the market and will miss it when we leave. And Noah? Well, he loves everything, especially when it involves lots of people and noise and activity. We listened to the street performers and even bought a cd from these three guys that are always in front of the Starbucks. I’ve been wanting some soulful gospel type music for us to listen to for a long time. Everytime we will listen to the cd, we’ll remember them.


I stopped at my favorite place, Piroshy, Piroshky… to get a marzipan roll after we picked up two pounds of Gulf prawns and the other ingredients to make this recipe. Rachel Ray is way too perky for me, and this recipe is definitely NOT a 30-minute meal, but it’s one of our favorites. I am not an intuitive cook. I wish I were and I’m getting better, but I like to follow recipes. I feel like I need to apologize for that trait in me! Anyway, when I asked the guy at my favorite produce stand if he had white onions, because the recipe calls for white onions and so I needed to get white onions, he talked to me for several minutes about why I shouldn’t use white onions for dinner tonight as it is not in season and that the ones he’s been seeing are “funny” and that the Vidalia onions he had are so sweet he could eat it like an apple…This is why I like to go to the market.

On our way home, we were stopped at a long red light on Elliott Ave and I saw this:


I can’t imagine creating that portrait on a side of a train with spray cans. Pretty amazing.


  1. My husband introduced me to Pike Market during our Washington honeymoon 15 years ago and I’ve since seen it featured in food programs. It’s a special place, indeed. As you visit your favorite sights, are looking at them wistfully, almost with nostalgic eyes, because of your upcoming move?

    Wonderful train art! We took an Amtrak trip last fall, but didn’t see anything this distinct. The portrait looks like Castro, doesn’t it?

    Thank you for your wonderful blog, which I always enjoy reading. And best of luck with all your life transitions.


  2. So that makes the long wait on the train worth it, doesn’t it? Very cool! It does kind of look like Castro, but I thought it looked more like Earl Campbell (ex-football player from this area). So now we have a mystery. And perhaps a game to play.


  3. That IS an amazing portrait. Such riches are yours in Seattle. Tell me: is a marzipan roll as delectable as it sounds?

  4. Gina, Thanks for your comment and kind words! I agree with you about Pike Place Market. It is a special place. I am definitely looking at my surroundings with new eyes and some wistfulness. I will miss a lot about this place that I’ve called Home for the past 6 years.
    That does look like Castro! hmmmm…

    hi debi, i had to Google Earl Campbell…and I’ve got to say that I did find a profile photo of him that looked similar. Weird! I wonder who this portrait is supposed to be?

    Ack is right, Katie. Totally with you there. I can’t even listen to her voice anymore!

    hi san! I looooooooove marzipan, so to me it is delectable. mmmmm.

  5. so lovely to read about your day bridgette. 🙂
    i have been absent from the computer these days. i can’t seem to sit still longer than to do a quick post and then something else seems to call. it has been so nice visiting here this afternoon.
    hope you are feeling better.


  6. I have a spray artist friend who gave me a handful of the special tips they use (they order them on line from Germany) and I thought I would be able to createsome cool art things with the tips. HA! It is NOT easy to do (it wasn’t for me). Like anything else, it’s all about putting in the mileage…

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