my bowl is full
8×8 inches
Yes, I am still making my bowls. I have the two 8×8 inch bowls that I have made so far hanging together in my studio and I can’t wait to make more. I foresee a grid of them.
There are so many things I could say about my thoughts as I worked on this painting. Feeling overwhelmed at times by all that I juggle on a daily basis. Something we all can relate to. Feeling overstimulated by technology. So much “connecting” can be too much at times. I recently took Facebook and Twitter and all of that stuff off my phone and have been spending less time on the computer in general. There are times when I find myself with a rare chunk of time to myself and it’s so easy to get sucked into the computer, but I would much rather be doing something else and actually NEED to be doing something else. Although it is fun to browse around and it is wonderful to connect with people, friends and family all over the world. It’s all about balance.
The other thing too that I have been thinking about is that whole “cup half full/half empty” argument. For some reason I think of bowls differently. I don’t want my bowl to be full all the time, I want it to be empty, open, ready to receive.
Speaking of full, my encaustic workshop that I will be teaching this Saturday at Perfical Sense Studio in Evanston is full again! I really enjoy sharing the things that I have learned in my own practice and am looking foward to this workshop.
i love the image of the empty bowl being ready to be filled up. i think more of these images are a must. i’m so happy to hear about the filled up 2nd class at perfical sense studio!
Your bowl series really speaks to me. An empty bowl, waiting to receive ….. a symbol I have carved many times. Reading this post, my thoughts have gone off at a tangent ….. a bowl can be too full. The internet has been a wonderful adventure for me but I am so aware that the bowl can be over full with too many images virtually accosting one’s senses. Oh boy, we certainly need balance!
One can drown in a full bowl. . .
Enjoy your class this weekend. I SO wish I could attend.
Love this! Gorgeous texture. I’ve never tried encaustic. I guess I’ll need to look into it. 🙂 I agree with you. We need to log off more often.
I like the concept “empty and ready to receive”. And, that balance thing is so important too. Beautiful piece.
Your bowl is full with beauty. Love it. Thank you for reminding me.
I am so intrigued with your bowl series…just wonderful!
This is a gorgeous piece. And for me a bowl that is too full would just be too much pressure 😉
How I wish I could go to your workshops!
This is beautiful… the bowl so well balanced… + I agree wholeheartedly with what you say about technology balance…
Loved the texture, loved the title.:)
Like Robyn I too have explored the bowl imagery, just last week I pulled out a portion of my series to rethink them for an upcoming exhibition…the symbolism is so very rich and multi faceted.
I applaud your divestment of the techno world…clearly we need much less of this gadgetry and its stimulation than we’re being made to think.
Spectacular piece Bridgette…both in meaning and execution. I have been thinking about similar things. My computer blew up and I had about a week where I barely had any access to the computer. After my initial panic, I realized that I had more time available for art and everything else than I have had in what seems like years. Now that I have a new computer I am doing my best to practice balance. For me that is what it is all about!
Oh I love this post. I feel the same way about too much stimulation and also about the bowl’s emptiness being beautiful. It’s a full emptiness, if you know what I mean.
This image is superb, really, I have no words. I LOVE it. Great words about balance, about keeping things empty so they can be filled again, here is to empty stunning vessels of nothing, ready to take in wonder..