1:healing hand

So, going to attempt again creating a mixed media canvas panel a day. Not feeling too confident this time around. But here is my first.

healing hand, mixed media, 6×8 inches

The words read: For I am friend of the soul, receptive ear, healing hand

Journal is available at amanobooks

I actually started this panel a looooooooooong time ago, but it was just sitting around. Yesterday I was determined to finish it. I got the Quinacridone Gold that Gerri Newfry gave me at af. wow, this paint is amazing! It just brightened up my tree and brought this glow to it, that doesn’t really translate here on the computer screen.

I have bunch of charms that always just sit around in their containers, so I decided to use them here. I added a frame charm that has a lovely patina on top of the tree trunk. Inside I placed a silver hand and three light blue thread strands. I added bronze beads to the branches. And then I got this weird idea to just string copper wire connecting the beads. It’s really a shame how the beads and the wire really just do not show up here.

It was fun making this panel. Later this will be bound into a journal cover.

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