A Nourishing Solitude

Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that’s where I renew my springs that never dry up. ~Pearl Buck
A Nourishing Solitude

A Nourishing Solitude | encaustic mixed media, 5 5/8 x 17 3/4 inches

Feels like I haven’t posted here in a while. Not for the lack of having artwork to post about….just feeling quiet and not feeling like adding to the din. Lately I have been daydreaming of the days of when not only did we not carry our phones around with us, but we did not have computers on our bodies either! Strange world. Good and bad to it. What’s that they say- it’s all about balance? Easier said than done.

This painting is another piece in my shelter series- thinking about the things, places, events that make me feel sheltered, taken care of, safe. A tree of course is such a great metaphor for shelter when you think of all the life that come to trees to create home or take from the tree to create our homes or make things for our homes. Or the fact that trees are the lungs of our planet and give us oxygen…it’s really astounding when you think about how trees take care of us.

This tree in particular though, to me, exudes a sense of solidness in its solitude. Not self-conscious and unapologetic.

Since I was young I’ve always been very comfortable in my solitude. Maybe it was because I came from a big family that was always loud and chaotic and so a quiet corner to draw and daydream was a rare gift. Or maybe it’s just the way I am. I cherish my solitude, it’s where I can hear my inner voice. Lately life has been so noisy though and I’m having a bit of trouble hearing it. This tree reminds me that it’s always there, I just need to nourish it and feed it like all living things.

Solitude coaxes magical things from our souls. ~Terri Guillemets

1 Comment

  1. Love this piece…but really love to hear your thoughts as well. Funny, I recently did a piece focus on solitude as well.

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