all things seen and unseen
encaustic on clayboard
6×6 inches
My family came to visit this past weekend. It was a full and noisy house with 3 kids running up and down the hallways. After everyone left I managed to catch a nasty cold and am still on the tail end. Been feeling pretty run down lately, but thought I’d write up a little post while my son naps.
I worked on this little piece much longer than I usually do. It was one of those struggles. But then I happened upon Lisa Kairos’ blog and she jsut happened to write a post sharing a technique called Intarsia…which I had done a long time ago but completely forgot about! How does that happen?!
Anyway, so I decided to experiment with it on this little piece as I had in my previous painting “Patterns and Cycles”- the red line was done with the intarsia technique as well as the little “o” shapes along the bottom. I really enjoyed rediscovering this technique. Ever since my ceramics class I really have been obsessed with surface. Not like I wasn’t already. But it’s been tweaked a bit.
I am so excited to share that three of my encaustic paintings were juried into the Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival in the Logan Square Connections exhibit! The show will be at the end of July. I will post the details as the date approaches. My first show in Chicago…hopefully the first of more to come in the future.
I still have a few small encaustic paintings at Sacred Art Gallery in Lincoln Square, here in Chicago. They have asked me for more paintings and I’ve been working on it. Hopefully by the end of this month I can replenish what I have there.
This is a very lovely little artwork Bridgette and work all the struggle!
Lovely painting, Bridgette. And congrats on the show, and the need to replenish at Sacred Art!
Very nice! Are the flora items a photograph?
congratulations on getting into the juried show! another inspirational piece here 🙂
Still lovin all the symbols!
I love the mark making symbols. Congratulations Bridgette.
Wonderful and the title too!
Your work is soulful and fascinating to me…. and congratulations! Roxanne
Wow! I just found you through Seth’s blog and I am subscribing to your blog and will be back as often as I can be. Your work is amazing and you have greatly inspired me with all that I see here.
Please come visit me some time if you get the chance!
delicious — i am drawn to circles as well — they pop up a lot in my work.
CONGRATULATIONS on the show — awesome!
As usual, a small piece that speaks volumes! I must say, Bridgette, I love your colour palette.
A gem.
I’m glad your work is getting some of the exposure it deserves.
Love reading your blogs. I would like to invite you to follow mine as well.
hope you are feeling well ‘on the mend’ your new work is stunning
The faded effect and the colours combined with the wistful shapes render a nostalgic and melancholic atmosphere to your masterpieces. They’re beautiful.