and the winner is….

Vicki of The Faint Heart Art blog!!

Thank you all for participating and sharing your stories with me. It’s amazing how small acts of kindness to monumental ones will always stay with us. The other thing that stood out to me reading the comments is that everyone has a story of heartache but also stories of hope. It’s so easy to look at people one-dimensionally. But everyone has a story…it’s just a matter of opening up and listening. I’m going to hold onto these thoughts and try to be more mindful of that in this coming new year.

I also pulled Meri’s of Meri’s Musings blog. I actually pulled her name first even though she told me not to include her name in the drawing since she already has a copy of 1000 Art Journal Pages. So I will send a little something in the mail to you too!

Vicki and Meri, please email me your address bridgette AT when you get a chance. Thank you!


  1. Happy birthday Bridgette!! May your year ahead be one filled with beauty, prosperity, creative inspiration, deeper friendships, and all the richness of life’s wonders,
    (and congrats to the winners!)

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