another beginning

Thank you all for your comments you left me and my family on my last post, wishing me luck and blessings as I awaited the arrival of my baby. Grace was born on February 23rd, a healthy and hungry baby girl. We are just thrilled with this little sweet pea.

My days and nights are spent in the moment, cuddling her, feeding her, smelling her sweet little head. Big brother is proud and such a good helper. I am tired, but happy and feeling blessed. Thank you again for all your warm thoughts.



  1. I was sent here from another blogger and how sweet to see your new born babe this morning. Shush, I won’t disturb, will just say:
    And get rest when you can. 😉

  2. Oh Bridgette, she is so beautiful. Look at all that lovely dark hair. It almost looks like she has had it cut in this cute hip style.

    Enjoy all those wonderful moments with her.

  3. Oh what joyous news; and such a lovely name for your dear little girl. You make me feel young again. I think the image of you and Grace tops all blog postings. I am glad all is well; take it gently and enjoy the coming days, for they are gone all too fast. Lots of love, Ann from the far UK.

  4. Isn’t it wonderful that you now have a little girl and a boy (big brother)? Who’d a thought, huh?
    And, what a lovely photo of the two of you.
    Such happiness!

  5. Bridgette–she is wonderful! I’m so glad that your delivery went well. And that she is hungry!! Save all your strength for that and for helping baby brother. You will need lots of rest.

  6. Welcome to the world of blogging Grace. Your mum has started you young. You will be a dab hand in no time, and you’ll love it here.

    Congratulations Bridgette. She is absolutely beautiful. She is the first baby that I’ve seen on the blogosphere from pregrancy to birth. Can’t wait to see more of her and her very proud big brother.

  7. She’s beautiful! How lucky she is to have a big brother!

    Thanks for sharing the picture.

    Make every minute special as you know only too well how quickly they grow.


  8. BIG blessings to you and your little family. What a precious little head of hair that girl has! It would totally NOT cure my irresistible urge to kiss a baby’s head. No siree!

    Blessings and hugs and warm fuzzies to all of you there….

  9. What a beautiful family you have. I just smile at the sweet images. I really appreciate that you share her with us. If everyone was in touch with the feelings a new born evokes, the world would be a gentle place.

  10. Congratulations, Bridgette! I am SO happy for you and your family. Thank you for sharing news of your little one here with all of us!! xoxo

  11. Hello, I’m popping over here from Soewnearth’s blog and what a marvel to find mother and baby. WOW! Blown away! What a beautiful little girl and what fabulous hair she has! Congratulations. Looks like you creativity is going just fine ;}

    Rest and eat well!

  12. Oh Bridgette, What a beautiful image of you and your blessed Grace. so glad to know she and her mom are happy and healthy, being helped by big brother and proud poppa, too I’m sure 🙂 love to you and your precious family

  13. Thank you so much to everyone who has left me such wonderful messages here and in private emails. I wish I could respond to everyone, but not getting much computer time lately. So, I hope this will do- Thank you!!
    xo, bridgette

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