art festival

The Magnolia Summer Art Festival is running today and tomorrow, August 3rd and 4th and I have three of my paintings hanging as well as some prints and cards. This is a small neighborhood festival, mostly family type activities. But it looks like it’s going to be a nice weekend to be outside eating roasted corn and drinking ice cold lemonade. This painting is one of my paintings hanging in the show.

to begin
to begin, mixed media and encaustic, 12 x9 inches


  1. Bridgette, I came upon your blog recently and enjoy reading it. Your work is lovely, and this painting is magical. Good luck with the Festival.


  2. That painting is beautiful! Is it a photo and encaustic? I hope I get a bit of time to go to the festival. The weekend is pretty packed though.

  3. Thanks Clara and Tina! This painting has several components-photo transfer, oil paint, graphite, encaustic, and oil sticks. At first I had planned for it to be just an oil and mixed media painting. But when it was done it felt like it was missing something. I felt that adding an encaustic element would make the painting finally feel right to me.

  4. your art is always so tranquil. how i wish i was there in the place in the photo!~it looks magical and well, when i look at it i feel like i could jump off the edge of the dock and float in those waters without a single worry.

  5. Hi Bridgette.. I also do encaustic paintings but have been too nervous to participate in outdoor festivals.. especially in the Georgia heat. Have you had any problems in the past? Love your work.

  6. Hi vintage-flea, This was the first time I had an encaustic piece in an outdoor festival as I have been concerned about the same thing. Nothing happened to this piece at the festival, but Seattle summers are totally different than Georgia summers! I bet it would be ok, as long as you kept it out of direct sunlight. But that is just a guess. Sorry, I’m not much help! Thanks for stopping by my blog though. 🙂

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