art x 12: May 2019

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Illuminate, visual journal spread in Debi Adams’ book

Evidence that life has been a bit hard to keep track of this spring and early summer- today I wanted to post about my June contribution to the ArtX12 collaborative project, but quickly realized that I never posted about May. And I’m even late with posting the June contribution! I will get caught up one day…

I created this visual journal spread in Debi Adam’s book. When I was flipping through the book and what other’s had done already, I wasn’t sure if the theme was circles or illumination so I decided to cover both. Below is a video of the book as of May 2019. There should be two more spreads in there now.

With these books I try to respond to either the theme or the artwork that has previously been done, but in my own voice. And a tree and some hand stitching is definitely my visual language.

“Visual storytelling utilizes both language and art to pass on the essence of who we are.” – Debbie Millman

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