
Bound, mixed media, 6×8 inches

I had started this mixed media panel a looooooooooong time ago, and at the time I actually thought it was finished. I even had posted it on this blog a few months ago. But now as I am returning to my studio, I felt like it wasn’t quite done. I hadn’t gotten down what I wanted. So I reworked it.

That is one of the nice things about working with beeswax. Just put some heat to it and it’s like working it new again. I added threads to the bottom. I’m having a thing for adding thread to paintings lately.


  1. Thanks for the comments y’all. Mei-this was originally going to be a book, but I think I’m going to keep it as a painting. I think it would look good in one of those floating frames.

  2. Bridgette!

    It was so good hearing from you! We missed you at Artfest as well this year. I had a couple of classes at the schoolhouse and I thought of you.

    SO GLAD you and baby are well. Talk soon…Kathy

  3. Hi Bridgette, I’m glad you commented on my blog, because it brought me to visit yours (maybe I’ve seen your stuff before, but I can’t quite remember!). Anyway, your artwork is really, really gorgeous, and I’ll be back to visit! And congrats on your own little Noah- it worries me because it’s beginning to look like a popular name, but it’s such a sweet name! I’ll be back!

  4. Thanks Corey. Yeah, I know about the name thing! I only knew one Noah my whole life and now there are a bunch of little Noahs popping up all over the place. Who knew?! I love the meaning of it which is why we picked it-“peaceful wanderer”. Maybe we’re just ahead of the trend? 🙂

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