Face to Face with the Sky

Face to Fave with the Sky
Face to Face with the Sky
oil on canvas
18×24 inches

Although I am working on a new series now, I am backtracking a bit with this painting. I finished this painting in December-how is that two months ago already?! The title, Face to Face with the Sky, was inspired by a Rilke poem called Again and Again. The scene that I painted came from our last trip out to our beloved Pacific Northwest coast. For those who have been on the coast that far north, I am sure you will recognize the grey on grey, where the ocean meets the sky. And where even the sky is reflected on the smooth glass-like sand at low tide. I’ll never forget that misty afternoon when we took our kids there for their first time, all bundled up in our rain gear. We hopped on the fallen logs, discovered pale purple pink starfish clinging to the barnacled rocks, and ran from the rising tide.

Face to Face with the Sky is currently hanging at GCDC, the restaurant/bar down in Washington, DC and it will be going to a new home once the show comes down. If you can’t make it to the restaurant but are interested in the paintings there, go to this page to view the pricelist. One other painting, Confluence, has already sold as well. If you’re interested in any painting, please feel free to get in touch. I would be happy to ship it out once the show is finished.

If you are in the DC metropolitan area I will be at GCDC on Saturday, February 21st, from 2-4 pm for an artist meet and greet. Light wine and cheese will be served. But don’t forget this is a specialty cheese place, so there will be full service menu available at the time too! I will post more about that soon.


  1. It’s beautiful! I can totally feel the ocean and the sky calling to me when I look at this painting. No wonder it sold so quickly!

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