First art of 2008

I got to go to the studio today. Hurrah! My first piece of art for 2008:

creve coeur
creve coeur, encaustic and mixed media
on cradled birch panel, 6×6 inches

Creve Coeur means “broken heart” in French and is the name of a lake that we lived near when we lived in Missouri.

When I got to the studio this morning and opened up my journal to do my collage exercise that I mentioned in a recent post, I realized I hadn’t been to the studio since December 16! No wonder why I was going a little nutty. My husband had noticed that I was getting fidgety last night and so we juggled our schedules just so that I could get this morning in. He is going to work late tonight to make up for missing this morning. I am very blessed to have his help and support. This morning really helped refresh my mind and spirit.

When I left the studio around noon, I stopped in at the coffeshop below to talk to the landlady about my lease. I had this painting in my hand, as I take my paintings home when they are done. She really liked it and offered me a show in the coffeshop (she also owns Cugini’s, the coffeeshop). Not sure when though. We’re going to meet up again to go over more paperwork for the studio and to show her more of my work. Hopefully the show would be in a few months to give me some time. There’s a lot of wall space there and while I am interested in showing my work this year, I am definitely taking a step back from the stress of last year. See recent post.

I’m excited about the opportunity though.

I’ve been meaning to talk to her for awhile about what the policy in the building was for doing an open studio during the Ballard Artwalk that happens every second Saturday of the month. So I’ve got my info that I needed and I probably won’t do it this month, but I would like to do it next month if possible. She also mentioned trying to get more artists in the building which would be nice. Right now there are a couple writers, an architect, massage therapists, a jeweler, and a mural artist. Oh and an artist who is also some kind of rep….hmmm. She mentioned that to me and showed me where her space is and that I should introduce myelf to her.

Wait, wait, wait, now what was I saying about taking it easy this year??


  1. This piece is so beautiful. I love everything about it, including the name of that lake!

    The studio space you’re talking about, is it the townhouse sort-of looking one near the Ballard/Fremont border? We just drove past those and were wondering what the rent is.

    Congrats on the offer of having a show! Keep us posted, I’ll definitely stop by!


  2. Thanks Tanaya! My studio is in an old brick building on old Ballard Ave. near the Olympic Athletic Club. It used to be a hotel/motel back in the day. I have the smallest studio space in the building, so the rent isn’t that bad. If you want more info, feel free to email me- bridgette @ guerzonmills . com

  3. That piece, oh, that piece took my breath away. I got lost in it. If you choose to sell it let me know the price!

    I’ve just finished the journal I got from you. I’d hoped you’d have more for sale but had to start on another one from the stash.

  4. Lovely piece, Bridgette! Great way to start the new year.

    I finally got back tot he studio myself yesterday. It had nearly a month, and I was getting a bit “fidgety” myself. Wade said it was good to get me back into my sane zone. 🙂

  5. Everytime I see a new image posted, my breath is taken away. So much for taking it easy this year, but you are off to a great start! Yowsa! That is quite an image to behold!

  6. thanks tina~i’ll email you soon! Glad to hear that the journal was used well!

    Thanks angela. yes, art time=sane zone. 🙂

    Thank you so much Paula!

    Hi Colette- happy new year to you too! There is actually a story behind the name, a tragic love story about love not returned. I wonder if it’s true.

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