from darkness comes light

from darkness comes light
encaustic on clayboard
6×6 inches

Back to my small paintings. I made a few small ones in the past 2 weeks, and only have one left from my stash.


I’ve been having a lot of computer problems lately. It is aggravating and frustrating, but it’s also been a nice break. With Facebook, twitter, blogs, web sites, emails, ay, ay, ay, it all adds up to too much time. I used to do all my computer stuff at night or while my little guy naps. But lately I have been just too tired. I think my body is trying to tell me something. Rest!

I was wondering the other day what life was like before the internet….I got my first email address my freshman year in college and was one of the last people to do so because the computer lab was sooooooooo far away. Not really, but it seemed like it. That was only 15 years ago and the way we communicate has changed so much since then.

I apologize to anyone expecting an email or response from me. I hope to tackle my inbox soon!


  1. Beautiful composition and textures, I love it. Life before the internet? We didn’t even have a telephone in our house when I was growing up!

  2. another wonderful piece Bridgette – boy I know what you mean about the internet – I finally just had to make some hard choices about where and how long i was going to spend on the internet – the only things I spend time on now are my blog and email – I haven’t looked at my twitter account in months, or facebook, and I even canceled some of the newsletters I was getting – I just never had time to read them – art more, less internet has made me much happier đŸ™‚

  3. As busy as your life as a mom of a young child is, you need all the down time you can get. Seize it any way you can, even if it means being away from blogging for a while.

  4. I’ve not been staying up late on the computer much this week like I usually do. I hear ya on the body telling us to rest. I’ve slept more this week than I have in a long time and I’m starting to feel recharged and ready to tackle the stack of brand spankin’ new canvases that are waiting for me in my studio!

    I adore this encaustic piece. Your work always has so much depth and so much to say.

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