Gently, Listening to Spirit

Listening to Spirit
Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Gently Listening to Spirit, encausitc mixed media, 24×24 inches

What does it mean to listen to spirit? It can mean so many things depending on where your compass directs you. I suppose it starts with how one defines spirit.

I guess for me, it is about being in touch with that inner knowing, listening to your inner voice. Inner, inner, I keep referencing that….We live in a world where we are bombarded by so much outside noise. It is constant. It is hard to slow down, turn it all off, find that quiet stillness and listen to what you then can hear in the absence of all that noise.

I find it best when I am out in nature. It doesn’t even have to be on a hike going through epic landscapes. Although beautiful scenes do have a way of making us stop and catch our breath. I find it when I’m tending to my little garden. Or when I spy the Gray Catbird spying on me in the yard we now share. Or when I see a monarch butterfly on a milkweed that I planted a few years ago.

Or also when I am in the middle of creating.

It is hard for me to find it at times. My brain is often in overdrive- overthinking, ruminating over things I regret, things I can’t change, things that I want to do, but feel that I can’t, things that I have no control over, my to do list, etc, etc.

So finding that stillness, that is gentle, is a gift that I don’t take lightly.

The branches image that I used above is from a photo I took of a big old tree that we used to live near. I miss her presence in my life.

“Gently Listening to Spirit” will be in “It’s All About Perspective” show with Christopher Winslow at Manor Mill in Monkton, MD. The show opens this Saturday, July 29th. I will be there from 4-8 pm, swing by if you can!

“In an age of movement, nothing is more critical than stillness.” -Pico Iyer

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