On My Studio Table


Even though I was again absent from the studio due to our annual trip to the beach with my extended family, I still continued my drawing a day. But being at the beach, there is so much inspiration to be had. I started journaling on the same page as my drawings. I like to do that. I just started a new journal too, so I wanted to include writing with my daily drawings.

daily drawing of shells

I have always loved the ocean. I really could spend hours bobbing up and down in the waves, diving through the crests, and floating in the lulls. I am not a sit on the beach kind of person, I like to be in the water. When I was a little girl I used to imagine myself a mermaid. I am sure many girls do, but I just have always loved the water.

drawing of flipflops

I’ve been noticing with my daily drawings that I am sometimes just plain lazy. Drawing from life takes a lot of focus, slowing down, and meticulous attention. Sometimes I just am not up to it. But I have been sticking to my drawing a day for 30 days and I can see the finish line!

I listened to this podcast the other day that just happened to be on sketching and the practice of daily drawing. Really good, I recommend it. Actually I recommend this podcast show in general. I just found it the other day and have listened to four interview and find myself re-listening to them.

Episode 26 of the Savvy Painter: https://soundcloud.com/savvypainter/26-sketching-from-square-one-author-richard-scott


  1. I’m glad you mentioned that Bri … about being too “lazy” (though I’m not sure that assessment is fair!)… to concentrate on drawing. I’m in that headspace too (I prefer preoccupied to lazy lol) and have thought, “well I can’t draw if I’m not going to focus and do it right” but of course! being right has nothing to do with it. and it’s all about expression anyway. whether in depth or on the fly. thank you!

    1. You’re right Jen, it really is about expression in the end. A drawing can take hours, days even. Or it can be done in 5 minutes. It’s not about perfection. Actually I have been making myself do my quick drawings in pen or marker so that i can’t fuss around and erase and make it perfect. It becomes about showing up and just pursuing my dedication.

  2. I, too, am a beach lover – need to make a trip asap to collect more shells, sticks; to inhale; maybe today. Consecutive 30 days has been difficult for me. You’d think, that there would be a time. I am enjoying the ritual, why do complications come up to interrupt me?

    1. You are so luck to be near a beach Lucy! It is always difficult to make time for something on a daily basis. I have always wanted to journal everyday, but it never lasts very long. It does make me aware of the things I do make time for on a daily basis that I wish I didn’t give so much time too- like scrolling through social media sights! I would be so much more productive….

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