on my studio table

Moving forward with more paintings this week. Painting larger paintings as well. Such a different way to work. Takes me much longer.

Detail of a #workinprogress #art #painting #studiotable
detail from a work in progress

I really enjoy making marks, exploring the surface.

Detail from another #workinprogress #studiotable #art #creativeprocess #mixedmedia>
detail from a work in progress

Not really focusing on the final end result. Just enjoying the process, finding my way.

Switched over to another piece after my coffee break. I love stitching and cloth. #studiotable #workinprogress #art #fiberart #stitches #creativeprocess #mixedmedia
And I love stitching. I really do. Making marks with thread.


  1. I love these peeks into your new work — each one so fascinating and full of depth. I’ve always liked the way you combine stitching with your work. Looking forward to seeing them finished!

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