On the studio table: in my journal

Last week I wrote about starting up my journal practice again and I am happy to report that I am still going strong with my morning pages. I met up with an artist and fellow journaler, Emily, this week for coffee/tea and general art talk and I brought my journal to share with her as she just started morning pages as well. She remarked that my journal is sketchbook/journal/listholder/scrapbook all in one and it truly is all of the above. My journals encompass my life and who I am. My kids have drawings in there, I have studio notes, drawings, scribbles, to-do lists, and just writing.

One of the things I have been doing, partially inspired by Jennifer Coyne Qudeen stitching practice while she waits for her daughters during their activities, is bringing my journal with me, a couple of pens and drawing while I wait for my kids at their various activities. I usually try to read, but it’s really loud in the waiting room for the various activities. This week I have been drawing birds. Then at a later time, in the mornings, I come back and write on the same page.





Whenever I draw, I think why do I not do this more often? I love drawing, always have. I feel very calm and peaceful. I prefer to draw with a pen, Pigma Microns being my go to. I was thinking that perhaps, just maybe, I’ll start incorporating my drawings more into my mixed media work. I did that during my 30 day challenge to create this little hummingbird and I really enjoyed doing that. The Hummingbird is currently part of the exhibit at The Gray Gallery in Winchester. If you’re interested in this piece, please feel free to contact me or the gallery.


The Hummingbird, encaustic mixed media, 4×4 inch panel, framed, $95
available at The Gray Gallery

That’s the thing with making a journal part of my creative practice- things comes out that I might not have made time for, which then leads to a seed of an idea. And it’s not necessarily visuals, but also thoughts. Part of the creative process, for me, is about that constant dialogue within. Oftentimes things lead nowhere, but other times, a little seed is planted and then you just need to follow the thread. But first, I find that I just have to get all the little stuff out. Most will not take root, but luckily a few will. Time, attention, and patience is what’s needed.

I highly recommend using a journal as a creative space to explore and dawdle- words and visuals. If not morning pages, then maybe right before creating. Get the juices flowing. Works for me!

“So you see, imagination needs moodling – long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering.” -Brenda Ueland

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for sharing this lovely blog about journaling, I also find when I take the time to make drawing a part of my morning, the rest of my day seems to flow along at a nice pace. Inspiring!

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