
oneness, mixed media,6×8 inches

Words read: the oneness of all things


Back in November I attended another one of Daniel Smith’s free demos on Golden products taught by Barbara DePirro and won a bunch of Golden products. I wrote a bit about it here. One of the products that I learned about and was interested in trying out was Fine Pumice Gel. You can use this gel to create an encaustic effect. Personally, I would rather just do encaustics than try to replicate it. But, one of the other neat things one can do with this is to brush on a coat of it on top of an acrylic layer. After it dries, it creates a ground on which you can draw on. Yes, draw on with pencil! Or pastels. But I prefer graphite pencils. I have never gotten into pastels. Anyway, the effect is really quite lovely.

For this piece I used my sewing machine for the bottom part of the panel. I love using my sewing machine for my mixed media pieces. I wish I knew how to use my sewing machine though. I guess I will just have to keep playing around with it and learn my way around it.


  1. what wonderful texture! i am so very drawn to this work. the words are perfect and actually fitting for me today. my daughter and i just got back from the park and while there we listened to the birds and just enjoyed the nature around us and we talked about “the oneness of all things”!
    also, thanks for sharing about this product… it is probably one of those i things i would see in the catalog and never even think to order.
    i really like the way you use the stitching in your work. i haven’t gotten past thinking i need to have everything in a straight line.
    🙂 maybe next time i will try to “draw” with the machine and i too would love to learn more about sewing. i see articles in cloth paper scissors mag and the quilting art mag and my heart goes all a flutter wishing i could do those things…

  2. Thanks Tricia. I love that my piece coincided with your walk with your daughter.

    I know what you mean about all those products. Give it a try! You can look up the different applications on the Golden web site if you wanted to try the encaustic effect.

    take care,bri

  3. Hi Bridgette, coincidentally I have a jar of the fine pumice gel, but I didn’t know you could get an encaustic effect with it. I checked on the Golden website but couldn’t find any instructions. Somehow I can’t imagine is giving the same rich look of encaustic…

    I see you experience the classic baby pee episode!


  4. hi colette, i learned about the encaustic technique from barbara de pirro at one her Golden demos at daniel smith. she actually teaches workshops about it, I believe. I think that it’s about layer the pumice gel on top of your work. i’m not sure though as i haven’t done it myself.

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