peaches are pretty

“Summer afternoon – summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ~Henry James


You know what I love more than summer? The end of summer. I am more of a autumn/winter person actually. Heat makes me crabby. But there’s something sweet, nostalgic, even, about the end of summer. A sense of urgency to enjoy the last golden rays, to gather up the fresh fruit and vegetables ripening on the vine. Making sure we hold onto the memories made playing in the sun. In my mind, summer will always belong to childhood. And lucky me, I get to relive it through my little ones now.

{still playing with my new camera}


  1. heat makes me crabby too, bridgette. 🙂 i’ve been so busy rushing fall in my mind, i haven’t thought much about enjoying the last bit of summer. it’s been so hot here and i’ve been inside more than usual, but this post has me rethinking things. thank you.

  2. it is finally cooling down a bit here in chicago, so I’m feeling more positive about summer these past two days.:) The middle of summer here is kind of like winter in Chicago, you end up just staying inside! I think that’s why I am finally enjoying the summer now, as its ending.

  3. I have loved this quote for many years and so enjoy finding it here today…this summer the summer afternoons have been a bit more dense and heavy than usual and yet I really really do love this season…especially now that I go and float in my sweet little boat.

    Your peach photo is yummy.

    How grand that your wee ones are giving you another chance to have ‘a child’s summer.’

  4. I’m right there with you, Bridgette. Love Fall. Ranking in order would be Fall, Spring, Summer then Winter. Winter is always too cold for me yet it holds a beauty also. I would just rather be outside so Fall and Spring fit the bill. Love the peaches. Keep practicing with that camera. You’re really good at it.

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