resilience of a wildflower
encaustic on clayboard
6×6 inches
I originally made this piece as something to put up in my art section of amanobooks.com. But I have grown attached to it, and I am thinking of framing it, and hanging it up as the first piece of artwork given to my little one that is on its way in late February.
I have mentioned before that this is a high-risk pregnancy, as was my last one. The difference is that this time we know what the problem is and it has been addressed early. I just had a big appointment this week, my 28th week checkup, where we could finally really check and see if the baby was growing well. I have been really anxious all month about it. We got better than expected news and I am just so grateful that the baby is growing so well. Thank God for technology and medicine that is helping me grow and nurture this little life within. I still have 3 months left, so just keeping the faith that it all keeps going smoothly. But at least now I can relax a bit.
This little painting of a dandelion flower just really captures for me the fragility of life and yet the determination and will to hang in there. Wildflowers are such a great metaphor for the human spirit and for human life.
Having had a lawn though, I do know how pesky those dandelions are! Their bright yellow heads always seems to be laughing at us.
I wish I had more art to share with you all these days, but I have been feeling pretty tired again. I am way behind in my emails again, please forgive me if you’re expecting an email from me. All my energy goes to my almost 3 year old these days. I have been cooking a ton though. When I am not able to spend time in my studio, my creative energies always turn to the kitchen. This morning we made pizza dough from scratch and I have all my recipes ready to start churning out Christmas cookies.
What do you do when you can’t get to the studio?
Glad to hear you received good news about your pregnancy.
I couldn’t think of a better gift for your baby. Something that will be treasured forever.
Really wonderful to hear that things are going well. And I think this will make the best gift. There is a brightness to it that really radiates joy!!
I’ve been lurking for awhile 🙂 but I just had to say something today. I too love the determination to live that exists in dandelions and their cheerfulness. What a beautiful gift…
What a beautiful little gift for your precious child.
It’s amazing what we can find out prior to a loved one’s birth but nothing as amazing as what they teach us after they’re born.
May God continue to bless you through until the end of your pregnancy.
Thanks everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments about my good news! I really appreciate it.
Deb G- thanks for delurking and for your lovely thoughts on the sturdy little dandelion. 🙂
Bridgette, I also channel my creative energies in the kitchen when I can’t (or, ahem, won’t) work on my artwork.
Glad to read that everything is going smoothly with your new baby. Take good care. ♥