
scatter, encaustic on wood, 6×6 inches

In transition right now. We are in the middle of transforming my old studio in our house into a playroom. It was a strange feeling emptying the room out that had been solely mine for the past 3 and half years that we’ve lived in our house. But it needed to be done and now the walls are clean, the paint-splotched floor has been pulled up and replaced with a comfy carpet and the piles and piles of specialty papers are waiting to find a new corner. Somewhere. I will still have a little station somewhere to work on things at home. But we haven’t figured out where that’s going to be yet. Somewhere close to the playroom.

We desperately needed a safe and fun place for Noah to explore and crawl around in and I’m looking forward to making the room bright and cheerful. He is so active and so curious. It’s a lot of fun…yet hard to be chasing him all daymaking sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble!

My new studio space in Ballard is coming along. I love it. It feels like a little nest to me. Quiet and intimate. I haven’t been getting as many hours in, except I was able to work there a full day on Wednesday. I got quite a bit accomplished and hopefully I can take some photos and post them soon.


  1. We don’t have a washer and dryer so that I can have a small (very small) room of my own for my art and my writing. I have a four year old and our play room is also known as the living room. Anyway, you’re an amazing artist. Find a space. And find time. Both a challenge.

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