Searching for ROYGBIV: orange

“Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow.” – Wassily Kandinsky

I unfortunately did not actively search for orange this time around. With all the snowbound days I feel like we have been spending a lot of time indoors. So this morning when I saw Jennifer’s reminder that today was the day for Orange, I searched my Instagram feed for orange.

The dining room is coming together. This room was previously dark navy blue.
When we moved to our new home, the first room I had painted over was our dining room. It used to be navy blue, now, a warm earthy terra cotta. I’m an earthy girl when it comes to wall colors.

Roasting butternut squash to make soup on this snow blizzard day.
I’ve been making a lot of butternut squash soup this winter searching for my favorite recipe. I think I finally found it.

Sunset 11/20/13
of course, the orange in sunsets this past fall were beautiful over the rolling hills around these parts

dried grass reeds poking out of the snow, I often find abstract inspiration in my environment

ok, well, this is a tin of Indian Yellow, but it looks orange-y

My palette from last night. Always such a mess compared to everyone elses's! #palette #art #oilpaint
my palette of oil paint, working on flesh tones of the live model

a still life oil painting of grapefruit I did last winter.

Check out Jennifer’s page for more links to other folks searching for Mr. Roy G. Biv

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