
sheltered, encaustic and mixed media, 6×6 inches

This past week has been a bit rough as my son caught a stomach virus and I have been cleaning up throw up since Wednesday! Today, no vomit so far. Phew. He is doing a lot better now. It’s so scary when he gets sick.

I have a long email to-do list of people I need to write back, so if you are waiting for a reply from me, I will get to it! Sorry for the delay. I haven’t been able to get on the computer very much this week. Unfortunately I am starting to feel a little under the weather myself.

Last night was the opening reception to the 9th Annual Art Port Townsend Juried Art Show that one of my paintings is in. We had to cancel our plans for going out there to attend, but I hope that once Noah is better we can take a little family trip out to Port Townsend and see the show.

I did happen to sneak in a little time to finish up this little encaustic piece. My new studio space is really coming along. I am still adjusting to not having a studio at home. And today my old studio space is officially empty. We are going to paint it tonight. The walls are in terrible condition. All my fault! But I had to hang all those paintigns up somewhere! The room will be carpeted this week and turned into a play room.

Now I’m off to my garden and chop down all the dead flowers and prepare the gardens for winter. My poor garden has really been neglected this year. Oh well. I never claimed to be super woman.

Thanks to all of you who have commented on my last post and through emails congratulating me for my show. I really appreciate all the support and encouragement.


  1. i hope noah is feeling better. poor little dear—i am sending him a hug!and i am keeping my fingers crossed that you manage not to get sick as well. i tend to pick up a lot of olivia’s flus and colds. 🙁

    as always, i love the new work.

  2. Still have mustered up the courage to get out of the house despite our conversation. I am trying though! We are moving in to a house that is a bit larger and I am hoping that my new work space will keep me satisfied. If not, I will be looking to you for more advice! Erika

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