the fog rolled in

I’ve been feeling all out of sorts lately. And I have been having to take lots of breaks to lie down with a heating pad on my back and under my belly. Needless to say I haven’t had the energy to either work on books (falling behind again!) or paint.

I was feeling a little glum this afternoon and did not want to go lay down again. Nor did I want to work on binding or folding paper for journals. I knew that if I got the brushes in my hands and worked on an actual painting I would feel better. And I did! I worked on a little painting this afternoon. Still working on the title.

when the fog rolled in, mixed media, 5×5 inches

This was painted on a gallery wrapped canvas. I also started a larger painting- 20×24 inches.

Next year will bring a lot of changes for me. In addition to becoming a mother, which is huge, I will be working more towards transitioning to painting. I will continue to make books because I do enjoy that and amanobooks is kind of like my first baby and I just can’t abandon it. But I need to paint. I crave it.


  1. this painting is just beautiful! i’m assuming the tree is one of your own photographs; i love how you blend your photographs.

    thanks for the comment of my blog – your right, drawing slows me down so i can really notice, really see what i’m looking at. it’s just the practice i need right now.

    i’m hoping you’re feeling better really soon. it’s so exciting you’re going to be a mother. when are you due? my daughter is due in may.

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