the kitchen test

In the last two weeks since I’ve posted I have been busy working on a painting that has seriously been causing me some major heartache and soul searching…in other words it has been kicking me in the butt! But that’s a good thing. It means I’m pushing forward, doing things that I’m not quite used to, learning, exploring, making mistakes, covering the mistakes with more paint, scraping, melting, staring, staring, and more staring…it’s all good. The images on this post are detail shots of the painting that I actually believe is finished.

Big sigh of relief.

detail from a work in progress
photo taken 2.20.2011

I actually thought it was done last Sunday, and I brought it to my kitchen and hung it up so that I could see it as I went about our daily business. We spend most of our time in the kitchen, so this is the best place. And I would catch glimpses of it as I washed the dishes. And I would stare at it while I would try to figure out what’s for dinner. And one morning when I was cleaning up the splatter of squished bananas that my (almost) 1 year old left behind, I looked at the painting and just shook my head. No. Not done. And I carried it back up to the studio.

I’ll bring it back down tonight and see if it withstands the Kitchen Test this week. And hopefully I’ll be able to take a full-on photo of the painting. And yes, it’s another bowl painting!

detail from a work in progress
photo taken 2.20.2011

I have also been busy preparing for my Intro to Encaustic workshop that is at full capacity and will be taking place this coming up Saturday at Perfical Sense Studio. I am so looking forward to this. I have a feeling that the 3 hours will fly by.

I also finally bound up two blank journals and put them up at amanobooks. Take a look! I am getting close to the end of my current journal and had a bit of a hard time putting “Intentions” up on the site, but I know that it’s meant for someone else.


  1. I know what you mean about ‘is it finished?’ – one of my paintings is to go to the framers tomorrow and just today I changed something!

    I really love your latest work, and I liked the WIP too!

    Evie x

  2. They’re looking great. I really like it, as well as you journals.
    I do the same approach as you do. Very often when I get stuck with my painting I rather leave it alone but somewhere where I can take a look at it. Sometimes it’s the next day or even a week after that I get a better idea.

  3. Like Michelle I do the mantle test.
    For me the piece has to say “I’m a painting now. Hands off”.

    Today I shipped a
    72×51″ canvas off to an out-of- town invitational…a few days ago it said…”come here…touch this color into this spot”… and I did…and then it said. “Now stop…I’m ready to be on my own.”

    A wonderful mystical process.

    Congrats on your filled to capacity class …no way will three hours cover it…you need a series.

  4. I like the idea of the kitchen test — living with a painting a bit to see what happens over time. Look forward to seeing the final version. Good luck Saturday. That full class is in for a treat!

  5. Your painting is beautiful.
    I too do “the kitchen test” but on my mantle. The last painting I was working on just got gessoed…..nothing, and I mean nothing, was working… no kitchen test needed for that one!

  6. my goodness you are a busy lady with a one year old- teaching and creating art works– I think the kitchen test is a great idea.

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