
i am timeless, encaustic and mixed media, 6×6 inches

I may have to retitle this one. Or it may stay. Hmmmm…I pulled that phrase from something I wrote a long time ago. It felt right. This little bird seems timeless. Always sitting on her perch, looking out at the ocean. I took this photo on that same morning I took that ocean photo from a few posts back. I have used this image several times. I can’t get away from it.

Worked this afternoon in my studio and finished up this encaustic piece. Thought another was done, but when I uploaded it to my computer, it just didn’t feel done. So I will work on it some more.

The fun thing though was that I finally started working on a commissioned painting. I had started the prep work for it last time I was at the studio, but today I got to pull out my paints and brushes and go at it. It felt good. I’ve been working on my very serene and simple encaustic pieces on birch-no color, just really working with transfers of my landscape photos and adding texture with cloth and string. So painting on my commissioned painting was quite a departure. I really enjoyed it. I still want to work on my birch series and finish that up…but now I really want to get back to painting. I feel like I’m always being pulled in a different direction. It’s like I get a series going, and then all of a sudden I want to switch gears. What’s up with that?


  1. I love the simplicity of this image.
    I completely relate to your dilemma of jumping around from place to place, so many ideas and process so little time.

  2. The same thing will happen to me . . .I’ll start on a piece, or a series, which will birth ideas for other things. It’s almost as though the very act of being creative, of making, generates more ideas and urges to make. I deal with this by having multiple projects going at the same time, and having multiple work spaces . . .I find that I will start on one thing, and even while I’m doing something like waiting for the encaustic to cool, I’ll just over and work on a fiber image transfer. It all seems to feed each other – and even when the pieces seem off on opposite tangents, there’s usually something there tying them together . . .

  3. Hi Belinda, thanks for visiting and for your comment!

    Judy-I try to look at it as a way to keep growing and learning…? 🙂
    But yes at times I feel like I have creative ADD as you said, Michelle.

    Thanks Seth and Erin!

    That’s so true, Bridget. I do that too. Work on multiple projects at the same time so that I can jump from each one when I need to. THanks for sharing and letting me know I’m not the only one!

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