30 in 30: days 14 & 15

Yeah! I made it halfway through the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge!

Day 14
The kids had school off yesterday, so we spent the day out and about. I knew I wouldn’t have a chance to create a painting on Monday, so I had started this panel on Friday. I was hoping to get in at night and work on it some more after the kids went to bed, but I was too tired and decided that this was good to go.

Day 15
After I finished this one today I decided that I would like to try this again, but on a much larger scale.

A friend of mine on IG asked me what have I taken away from this challenge so far. I think that I actually am feeling a bit of a shift now that I’m at the half way mark. It doesn’t take as long for things to come together. I am much more willing to experiment on these small scale pieces which has been leading to some interesting a-ha moments. I will be bringing these aha moments to my larger pieces later I am sure.

1 Comment

  1. I love that second piece, Bridgette. Working on small pieces is great for finding those “ah-ha!” moments that inform our later work. At least, that’s what I’ve found by doing my “weekly quick collages”. Good luck with your 30 in 30!

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