When I first knew that I was pregnant and started thinking about the nursery, I knew that I wanted to paint a tree on the wall. Because of the bedrest I wasn’t able to paint the tree until after Noah was born. Here it is.

A happy tree! Normally the trees that I paint do not have leaves or have a sense of melancholy. But not this one. I think in the future I will add little critters on the branches and by the tree roots. But my arm was tired and it was challenging to paint in short batches of time while he was asleep.


  1. I smiled when I seen this tree because, I painted three trees in my Daughter’s room when we first moved into our home and it reminds of my trees with the green leaves all over.
    Beautiful tree !

  2. I love it! Bella wanted me to show her a picture of Noah’s room so we could get an idea of what she wanted to paint for him. she’ll be excited to see this. Love the tree!


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