A Delicate Patience

A Delicate Patience

A Delicate Patience | encaustic mixed media, 5 5/8 x 11 1/2 inches
currently at Lark and Key Gallery

I really enjoyed working on this piece- drawing delicate lines into the wax and exploring the surface in a quiet meandering way. The creative process can be very soothing. Can be is the key phrase. I remember the day I worked on this because I wanted to quiet refuge and I got lost (in the good way) in the creative process of this piece. I have been feeling a bit uninspired in the studio lately for a variety of reasons. Some of it is due to just feeling tired and spent from a busy year of shows. I also have not been on an inspiring hikes lately which is what feeds my work. That connection to nature and the outdoors has been lacking. So, lately I have been sewing a lot. And knitting. And baking. Comfort in creation.

I read an article recently on why the Great British Bake-off show has been so popular here in the states and that it has to do with comfort in creation. I love that show. And it does bring me comfort in this crazy world we find ourselves in to watch people bake and support each other even though they are competing. It’s very strange, I know. But it also inspired me to create this pie for Thanksgiving and I was so happy making it. Joy in creation. And joy in feeding my family something delicious and homemade.

I always wonder what other people do who don’t make things because it is literally all I ever do. It is who I am. And it is the creative force in all aspects of my life- my family, my home, my work, my hobbies.

“The act of making helps to connect us to the past, knowing that many craft skills were practiced daily out of necessity. We also connect to our present, as we stop to slow down and enjoy the work at hand, leaving behind the stress of our busy days. And, possibly at the heart of our creations, is the future. ” – Making zine (I love this zine, beautifully and soulfully made)

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