A Lovely Moment

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | A Lovely Moment, oil, 36×24 inches

I finished this painting around the holidays and I currently have it hanging in my family room. I feel a sense of peace when I spy it during my daily doings. This was the final iteration of this particular landscape that I had been doing smaller studies of in different media. Not only switching media, but switching scale proved to be challenging. But I enjoyed painting this one and figuring things out.

I particularly liked laying the paint down and leaving brush markings. I just am a texture person. I would like to push that further in my next landscape painting.


Coming up with titles for my paintings have never been difficult…except for my landscape paintings. I don’t know why! For this one I thought about the day I was in this particular landscape at that particular time and that it was a lovely moment.

I’ve always loved landscapes where the grass grows tall and wild. I remember one time when I was 11 or 12 and I was down in Honduras visiting family, I was running through a field of tall grass with my cousins. I remember the smell of the earth and also the smell of something burning in the distance, the golden light that was hitting the grass, and the sound of spanish words that I sort of knew and sort of didn’t, and the laughter and yells of the other kids around me. I remember wanting to never forget that moment and trying to remember all these sensory details of that moment. It was my first memory of consciously trying to commit those details to my brain.

This moment is another one of those moments. It was overcast and windy on the island out in the Pacific Northwest that we were visiting. So very windy and this field of tall wildgrass beckoned me. And I laid down on a big rock in the middle of the field and felt the breeze brush over me and overhead I watched Bald Eagles catching the wind. And rabbits darting from here and there trying to evade the notice of the eagles. It was a lovely moment.

“Some moments are nice, some are nice, and some are even worth writing.” – Charles Bukowski

living with art

{all my work I post is generally available for sale through myself or galleries, if you are interested, please feel free to inquire}

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