A New Day

A New Day
handbound blank journal
mixed media covers
6×8 inches
exposed spine, 112 white pages


Finally found a bit of time to bind and post this handbound journal. I had made the panel almost 2 weeks ago that night I got back into the studio. I remember so clearly taking the photo of these trees overlooking the Puget Sound about 7 years ago. My son was just about 2 months old and it was our first foray to Golden Gardens in Seattle and my first outing with camera and baby. I remember feeling so filled with hope and potential that early spring day.

Speaking of Seattle I just finished reading a book set in Seattle called Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple. A friend of mine sent it to me telling me that it reminded her of a conversation we had had where I had said something like if one is creative in any way shape or form and they don’t create, then it ends up eating them alive. A character in the book says in a letter:

“People like you must create. If you don’t create, Bernadette, you will become a menace to society.”

At first I wasn’t so sure about the book, but then it grew up on me and the descriptions of the culture in Seattle made me laugh. But through the comedy of the book, there is a deeper and honest truth to the consequences of denying the creative force. I think. And it can be any outlet- music, painting, cooking, writing, building, sewing, gardening. There just needs to be an outlet. I know for myself when I can’t get in the studio, I end up in the kitchen baking and cooking. I always need to be making something or I get very irritable. ha!


I was recently invited by Crystal Neubauer to write an essay on Redemption on her blog Other People’s Flowers. I was honored and said sure as I can think of all sorts of personal stories of loss, failure, feeling lost, abandoned, etc. etc. etc. and then rising up because we must. We all have those stories, don’t we? It’s what humanity is about. But as I sat to write, I found that I didn’t want to focus on those stories. I wanted to write about my sister who had a very hard life, physically, and how she was a light to so many people in her short life.

Thanks, always, for visiting and reading!


  1. “as I can think of all sorts of personal stories of loss, failure, feeling lost, abandoned, etc. etc. etc. and then rising up because we must.” oh Bridgette……again, and always, I am grateful for your writing, the timeliness of your words and your posts…….always a light when needed…..I was just writing to my mom, feeling sad today, alone, ridiculous, abandoned……and here, your words, again making me feel so *not* alone…….thank you thank you thank you my dear.

  2. Stunning new journal Bridgette! I can’t stop looking at it.
    I enjoyed reading your redemption story at Crystal’s blog. It’s a frightening thought, not being able to see. My little step grand daughter is blind and we are amazed daily at how she manages. Her other senses are extremely sharp but even so she faces many difficulties.

    1. Thanks Robyn and thanks for reading my essay. It is frightening to not be able to see and to have absolute trust in the people around you. I was always amazed by my sister’s ability to sense things as well. She had been taught to read braille and I remember loving to run my hands over the raised bumps. Luckily now there is somuch technology that can aid those who are blind. I hope your step granddaughter is able to utilize those. It is so hard to witness children having to deal with such hardships from an early age. It’s particularly heartbreaking even if they are resilient.

  3. I’s must has journal!
    This one for actually journaling as my other one is on my display shelf whoopee!
    This one speaks to me- the title, the creative energy behind it, the tree, the artist!

    1. Thank you so much Wen! So honored to have another of my books in your collection. It will be on its way to you soon. My last journal went up to NH too. 🙂

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