a peculiar auction

In all the hubbub of our trip I forgot to mention that one of my paintings took part in an auction in Peculiar, Missouri this past weekend. Isn’t that a great name? My friend and talented mixed media artist, Kristin Smith, sent out a request for artwork and she is such a great person that I didn’t hesitate to send one of my small encaustic paintings for the 2nd Annual Peculiar Piccadilly & Art Auction Fundraiser.

In Flight, encaustic, 6×6 inches

I am happy to say that this piece is now in a new home. I’m glad that I was able to help Kristin out, but I’m also glad that I didn’t have to be there! I can’t imagine having to be present while my art is being auctioned. Makes my stomach hurt thinking about it.

I remember the exact moment when this painting was completed. It was a cool autumn day in Seattle. I remember being enclosed in the warmth of my little studio on Ballard Ave. And just being in the moment of discovery with this piece. It’s funny how a painting can trigger these memories for me. Kind of like when a certain song can bring back a vivid memory or a feeling from the past.


  1. It’s a great piece. I love those blues. Auctions are pretty stressful and you were smart to be elsewhere. I remember my first one. Even though it went well, my eyes were bloodshot from the stress.

  2. Oh, I love the painting!!

    Someone is very lucky – and wise – to have made the high bid.

    And I so agree. I’d have worried no one at all would want my piece!! You certainly need not worry.

  3. We were extremely pleased to have your beautiful encaustic piece! It’s absolutely beautiful. I was so touched that you’d donated to the Downtown Peculiar Arts and Culture District on my account. Thanks again.

  4. Glad I just met your blog. That image is stunning. I love the color range, and the mood.

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