A year of writing it down?

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | The Bright Spot, mixed media cover for a handbound journal

I have always kept a journal of some sort- a hybrid of written words and sketchbook and list holder. The past two years though I have had trouble doing it. Have I not mentioned being in a funk because I’m pretty sure I have every time I post here. Maybe one day I’ll show up here and post an extraordinarily cheerful post and you will all think I’ve been abducted by aliens. Anyway, I have not been writing here nor in my journal. And I miss it. And I need it. Journaling has actually always been a huge part of my creative process. I often don’t feel like a piece of work is completed until I write about it.

Feeling this absence, I decided that I’m going to try to show up everyday for this 45th trip around the sun {may it be so} either on here on my blog or in my written journal. My friend and fellow artist Emily Demsky has done this practice this past year and I find it very inspiring. So if I’m not posting here, then it means I’m writing. But I will definitely be posting here much more and I’m looking forward to it. Now what I’ll write about for 365 days? I’m not sure…

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt” -Sylvia Plath

some journals that I have bound up and are ready to go. The top one has been my journal for the past 2 years and it is almost full.

I write to connect back to myself. To slow down and listen to what my inner voice has to say. I write to vent, get it all out. I write to remember, memory is so fleeting. I write to say, here I am, I matter- if not to anyone else, but to myself. I write to connect the dots between the world and myself. I write because I love words and putting pen to paper and letting my thoughts meander on the page. My journals become vessels of my life, my thoughts, my daily breath.

“I write entirely to find out what I am thinking, what I am looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear.” – Joan Didion

I actually attempted this challenge before, except I wanted to do it for a mere 100 straight days. I didn’t make it. And that’s ok. As of right now, I’m 3/365

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