
abc’s, mixed media encaustic, 10×10 inches


Thanks to you all who visit my blog and leave such nice comments. I really appreciate it. For people who are interested in exploring encaustics I highly recommend taking a workshop or attending a demo of some kind. The reason I say this is that there are many safety and health considerations to take into account when setting up for encaustics in your studio. This was one of the main reasons I wanted to attend this workshop was to make sure I was following all the safety precautions. I had done all my research beforehand of course, but it makes me sleep better knowing that I’m not endangering my health or that of my family since my studio is in my home. Heating up and melting pigments with wax can not only be dangerous, but toxic if done incorrectly.

I created this piece last week before I attended the encaustics workshop. I now have 10 pieces done for my show that hangs next week. phew! I could have 12 if I figure out how to frame two panels in such a short amount of time. hmmmm.


  1. oo, this is beautiful! i had an introduction to encaustics and safety precautions in a workshop, but i now want to go to a workshop specializing in encaustics for more info before i buy my own supplies.

    is that a bird’s nest in the center?

  2. hi leah, thanks! yes, it’s a photo that I took of a bird’s nest that had fallen in my backyard.

    that’s a good idea considering encaustic supplies are expensive!! I always have to close my eyes when I’m purchasing the bars. 🙂

    Check out this site: You may be able to find information for workshops in your area. I just found the site, so I’m not sure, but it’s worth a try.

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