another reworked painting

What We Pass On
oil on canvas
16×20 inches

A few posts ago I mentioned that I have been pulling old work, dusting them off and painting over them. This painting is another reworked piece. But it’s not as old as the other ones I have been repainting. The original was painted in 2007 for my Expecting show. I liked it and had it hanging in our bedroom, right across from our bed. And so every morning I would wake up and see it….I think that may have been the problem because i started getting that itch to take it down and change it. I resisted, but finally I caved. It’s different, for sure. Better? Worse? I don’t know and I’m not really interested in that answer. The itch has been scratched and now I can move on.

detail- working out my symbols


Tonight is my handbuilding class at Lill Street. My plan as Haley Nagy asked in my last post, is to add encaustic wax to the clay after the first bisque firing. I’m excited to see what comes of my experiments.


This is a photo taken on my iphone when I was Lill Street on Sunday. It’s a wall of test glazes. It looks like colorful honeycomb! I love pottery studios so much. Everything about it. The fresh earth smell, the clay pieces in different stages, the big kilns, the glazes. I wish I could still work on the wheel, but my arthritis prevents me. Just throwing those 2 pieces last Sunday sparked a minor flare. Ah well, I don’t need anymore distractions, now do I?


  1. beautiful piece reworked to represent where you are now – for some reason, clay seems such a natural for you in my mind – will be anxious to see what manifests – xxo

  2. I adore the new additions to this piece — my eye keeps going to that rich red hue.

    i’m so excited that you have signed up for my online class — there’s been a great response so far — it’s going to be lots of fun!

    I will send class details as soon as they are available.

    happy weekend — i can’t wait to watch OLTL tonight — i hope they have some good summer plots coming up:)

    btw — gigi’s hair was, i stress was, doing so well — what happened now???:)

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