
studio journal, left side

quote says:
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself ~rudyard kipling

studio journal, right side


  1. So Bridgette, as one who just hasn’t answered the call of visual journals, how long did it take you to do that beautiful 2-page spread? What benefits do you find from the ritual? How often do you do it? Just wondering.

  2. Thank you izzy, meri, and carmen for your comments!

    Meri- i prepared the 2 pages fairly quickly- maybe 15-30 min? I don’t remember since I created them back in October! But I only wrote on them in April. I have a big sketchbook where I have pre-painted & collaged pages throughout the book. Then when I feel like writing, I can write. It would be too much time for me to do both at once. 🙂

    I like to do it as a way to play around. The paint and visuals on these pages are not what typically appear in my paintings. Since it’s in a book, and since i’ll be writing fairly mundane notes to myself on top of the artwork, i don’t really care too much about what I do. It’s about playing and experimenting. No judgement and no expectations.

    I don’t do it that often. My time to be in the studio is so limited as it is. Sometimes it’s once a week, and sometimes it’s once a month.

  3. I really love this spread. The hand reminds me of something that (regretfully) I did not do. When my Dad was in a pretty advanced stage of Alzheimer’s disease I thought about doing a print of his hand. I was worried he would be frightened or confused by the process, so I dismissed it. I guess I could have just traced his hand.
    I miss his touch and your page made me realize that we can leave an artistic impression of our hand for those who go on after us. I hope that doesn’t come across too morbid, because that’s not how it’s intended. Maybe just being sentimental.

  4. I have such a thing for handprints. And pawprints. I so love your journal pages, but have taken your words from long ago to heart, and no longer agonize if I cannot “do” them. I am missing the journaling gene. But I take inspiration from you nonetheless, and have thought of you quite a bit while working on my upcoming show, small though it is. AND while being my own “man” – lol! Frightened I am, but that’s okay – I am no longer intimidated – the fear is only skin deep right now. I am learning to believe in myself, my “vision.” I love this quote, and I, of course, love these pages.

    🙂 Debi

  5. Bridgette, I was going to comment on each piece, but realized my comment would be the same for each one. I like them. I like the colors. I can’t quite ‘figure them out’ but that’s okay. I like the mysteriousness of your work. Maybe I like your work cause it’s like an ‘illustrated thought’–but I don’t know what the thought is—back to the ‘mysteriousness’.

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