art fair

This weekend the Old Town Art Fair took place down in my old neighborhood, or at least one of the places I lived years ago. Back then I lived in a teeny tiny studio apartment that really could not fit more than 3 people in it. It was my early twenties and I was never home except to sleep. It served its purpose.

We went late Saturday afternoon as it poured that morning, but I am glad I was able to go for that little bit. The quality of art there was fantastic and the crowd seemed to be a buying crowd, which makes for a festive atmosphere. I, of course, was on the lookout for encaustic artists. I found three booths, although there may have been more.

Cheryl Toh
Natalie Salminen
Patricia de Leon Alfonso- she has a web site currently under construction, I believe

This mixed media artist’s work really pulled me in:
Erik Nelson His works must be seen in person. He works with a variety of material-such as joint compound, house paint, tar, etc. etc.

Rasa Pranckunaite’s work is so ethereal and just beautiful and haunting and…. She had several pieces with tree imagery, so of course my heart went pitter-patter. She also had stiched a bunch of tea bags together in one of her pieces. It was amazing.

There were several painters that really tempted my wallet. Their styles were in the folk genre. I am sure there is a better term for it, but I can’t think of it for the moment. I think that the style is sometimes referred to as primitive art, or evoking primitive art. Whatever it is, I just love it. Love. The rich symbolism is what gets me.
Nathaniel Mather
Chris Roberts-Antieu-Her work is actually not painting, but sewn fabric.
Justin Robinson from Alabama- will have a web site soon, just noting this here so that when I lose my little slip of paper with his information, I will have it saved some where. I really really wanted all his paintings.

Those were my personal favorites. As I said we went late in the day and it was crowded, I am sure I missed other jewels. All in all, an art fair that I will definitely look forward to in the future.


  1. Thanks for all the links to these great artists! It is so kind of you to share. I’ve enjoyed what I have looked at so far, and will go see the others as I have time. Erik Nelson was fabulous.

  2. Oh Bridgette – isn’t Rasa’s work wonderful? I have been following her for a few years and have 3 of her pieces!! I just love her work 🙂 Looks like a really rich group of artists and fun show. I really enjoyed visiting all the artist’s you featured here. thanks for sharing it all!

  3. What a great opportunity to see wonderful art work. Cheryl Toh is from Kansas City; I’m with Leslie, I think Erik Nelson’s work is amazing. Thanks for sharing these artists.

  4. thanks for sharing bridgette! i have a piece by chris roberts-antieu and it is a constant source of inspiration. i loved the work of rasa pranckunaite and nathaniel mather….sorry i missed the fair! hope all is well and i’ve loved your latest pieces…

  5. I can see why you love Cheryl Toh’s work. And Natalie’s site is fun with the graphic and sound of the the songbird. I like her “And the Trees Will Clap Their Hands” more than the others. Eric Nelson blows me away — if his work is more gorgeous in person than online, I’d be afraid of swooning. Anyway, working my way through the other links. (Sorry you’ll miss the Edmonds Arts and Crafts show this weekend.).

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