art show

I just got great news!! I don’t know all the details yet, but I just heard that I will be the featured artist for the October 2007 exhibition slot at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in Melbourne, Florida!!!!! yeeehaw!!!!!!!!!! I guess I should be more dignified and pretend that it’s not a big deal, but screw that, I’m so excited! And that gives me *plenty* of time to get a strong body of work together for the show.

I will have about 40 feet of wall space to fill up. I better get working!


  1. Congratulations on your upcoming October 2007 exhibitions. You have an ingenuous style.
    To make a long story short…I was doing a family last name search and your website was one of the result – for last name GUERZON.
    I’m a GUERZON – I have no clue if we are related but I thought I’d say “hi” and congratulations. Maybe I’ll visit your show on October 2007.

    Mary Guerzon-Basuil

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