“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” ~Thích Nhất Hạnh

This is my latest spread I created in the art x 12 visual journal collaboration between 12 artists in 12 months. I was so excited to receive Donna Watson’s book in the mail last month because I have long loved her work. Her work always has a calm energy to it, meditative and thoughtful. Her connection to nature is always present whether it is through the imagery she uses or through the surfaces she creates.
In the front of the book she enclosed a small bit of writing that included thoughts light and shadow, black/white/gray, nature, solitude, quiet strength…
And so this was my response to her words.

This spread was also a response to a breathwork/sound bath session I had recently participated in with Breathwork Baltimore. I had never done this type of thing before and it was really….interesting (terrible word, but I really have no words to capture what I experienced). I’m still pondering my experience, and this visual journal spread, especially the right hand side was directly inspired by the experience. I am finding myself more and more drawn to finding out more about Energy/Spirit/Body/Mind connections.
“I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart: I am, I am, I am.” ~Sylvia Plath