As It Were

As It Were
As It Were
mixed media
24×18 inches

When I think about my own creative process, I know that everything that is made is just a moment in my journey. Like I had mentioned in my last post, I make not to have that end painting, book, journal, whatever it may be, but it’s the making of it that compels me. And each piece builds on another, which is exciting because I feel like I am always learning and exploring, making mistakes, second guessing, but always moving forward. This piece above was created with various linens, cloth napkins that I have collected from various rummage and yard sales. I sewed them together on my machine thinking that the end result was going to be the background for something else entirely different. But that totally didn’t work as I envisioned it and I let my pieced together fabric sit for a bit, until this thought came to me.

But it wasn’t a flash of inspiration. It has been something that I’ve been working on for years.

I’ve always loved to sew bits of cloth together and add them to my paintings


And tear pieces of paper and put them back together, like a quilt of sorts.


My time in the studio is often just about continuing a thought. Or following a thread.


My solo show at Park View Gallery is coming up and I’m so excited! The gallery is located in Glen Echo Park in Maryland, outside of DC. I spent a lot of time as a girl and a teen at this park. It was a magical place for me. Picture a wooded park, with yurts here and there that contained pottery studios and studio artists, and one of those old carousel still running. I didn’t grow up in a household that was a creative one- my dad was convinced that I would be a doctor and I was partially convinced too! But when I would come to this park I felt at home. Earthy creative people painting and making beautiful things in the woods. So interesting to think about how that seed was in me as a child, but life often gets in the way. And if we’re lucky, we return to it.

Of the Earth exhibition

Of the Earth
July 3 – July 26, 2015
Opening Reception: Friday, July 3rd, 6-8 pm
Park View Gallery, Glen Echo Park
7300 MacArthur Blvd.
Glen Echo, MD 20812

If you’re in the area, please come out for the reception!


  1. Bridgette,
    This is so lovely. I love the pieced-together, hand-made quality that the sewing gives it. So exciting–a solo show. Wish I was closer.

  2. Congratulations on the exhibit at Glen Echo Park! We lived in Cabin John for a bit and loved to visit the park. I remember the merry-go-round and special events there.

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