Awakening to Spring

Bridgette Guerzon Mills | Awakening to Spring, encaustic mixed media, 5×10 inches

A few weeks ago my garden really started waking up, as it does every spring. It’s exciting but it’s also worrisome as it means I have a lot of work to do out there and nature waits for no one. But when my fern started to unfurl from their curled up heads, I really got happy. I just love ferns. So when these ferns unfurled I had to make some art out of it and this happy polka dotted piece came into being.

I subscribe to a podcast by the GoodReads founder, Elizabeth, who interviews people who list their top 5 favorite/influential books of their life. A few days ago I heard her interview with Melinda Gates who listed two interesting books that both had the word “awakening” too. I usually am not one to read these type of self improvement/ affirmation types of books, but I may try it out because current news and events feel so heavy and I need to uplifted or something. Thinking about that today while coming up with the title for this piece.

(A really great intervview though that I loved was with Marlon James. I really want to read his new book!)

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