Barbie Redux

This show will be up for the month of August

Remember my encaustic barbie I created a few months ago? Well her debut is this weekend! Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend the opening reception. But if you are in the L.A. area,check it out! It looks like it will be a fun opening.

I am excited to be in this show for several reasons. First, it is curated by a dear friend Patricia Anders. I have never met her in real life, but she has inspired me with her artwork and her spirit online for several years now. She pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and attempt an altered encaustic barbie. And I had so much fun with it!

The other reason I am excited to be in this is that there are several other of my online artists friends that will also be in this show, some who I have met and some that I have not, yet. It’s kind of fun to be in a show with my online buds. We all have been communicating with each for years now, brought together by our art, and then by the friendships that followed. Cynjon Noah will have several pieces in this show, as will Jen Worden. Actually the mysterious and beautiful figure on the postcard above is her creation. The inimitable Theresa Hall will have an altered barbie in the show as well.

I’ve known Cynjon, Jen and Theresa for several years as well, but have only met Cynjon. Actually I did a happy dance with Cynjon back in 2006 at Artfest because he was the first person I ran into after I saw my first red dot ever at the Artfest Magical Creatures Show! That seems like eons ago.

Looking back on my art journey so far, I have to say that I owe so much to the people I have connected with online. I remember being so nervous the first time I posted one of my mixed media panels online. How I felt foolish and exposed and scared and just kind of weird about it. But then these wonderful people, people who didn’t know me, people from differnt walks of life, popped in to leave a few kind words. To say, congratulations, or you can do it, or nice job, or I like that blue line there.

And still this blog now, many years later, brings me in touch with the same kind of generousity of spirit. The same “rah, rah, you can do it!” spirit. I hope that I am able to return the gifts that people have given me through the years.

Wow, I really didn’t intend to write all that, but I guess it just needed to come out. Anyway, thank you to everyone who comes and visits me in this little space online that is my blog.


  1. Congrats on the ‘Barbie birth’!!

    did I miss the posting of your completed piece?

    Your work is ever a delight to behold and I celebrate your wonder and accomplishment each time I stop in for a visit.


  2. Congrat on Barbie..Your work is always wonderful.It is also nice to read your post because I am just stepping out and it is nice to here someone who is out there now talk about the fear in the beginning.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. It’s amazing that you just started selling your work in 2006 at Artfest. Artfest was my first sale as well though I haven’t been nearly as productive as you.

    You, my dear, are my inspiration. I love your work and appreciate that you share your journey here online. Thanks so much.

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