
to come into being
to come into being, enaustic on wood, 10×10 inches

When I was working on this painting yesterday I was keeping in mind the prompt for Inspire Me Thursday, which was “Circles”. I wasn’t sure how I was going to incorporate the circles in, but wanted to give it a go.

I thought that not only would circles add an interesting visual element to the composition, but that it could also add a conceptual element. Conceptually I wanted the increasing size of the circles to represent growth…the idea of “becoming: to come into being”.

But I had been working on this painting and really it could have been left without the circles, so when it came time to add them I got a little worried. I looked at my tin of melted Cadmium Red and then looked at my clean white on the painting that I had worked so hard to get just right and then back at the Red. I just couldn’t do it.

So instead I got some red lama li lokta paper that I had in scrap bin from the books that I make and cut out circles. Doing it this way allowed me to play around with size and layout. I even scrapped the idea of using whole circles and ended up using the trimmed away silhouettes that had dropped to my work table.

I am glad that I found a “safe” way to explore and use circles in this piece. It’s important to remain open to possibilities. I never know where it may lead me.


  1. Wow I love it ! At first sight I thaught it was the decolete of a women ! Really :):) At second sight I saw it was a bird ! . It’s so beautiful !

  2. This is a powerful composition, well executed. Full of forward movement, a very dynamic piece. Thanks for including notes on your process. It’s always so delightful to hear how other artists are experimenting, creating, risking.

  3. This is so beautiful. I love the layout and the way the colors work together. I think if you took the circles out, something would be missing.

  4. Hi:) thanks for stopping by my blog. Your work is absoluetly amazing in every way. I cannot help but drool over your pieces. Such a creative energy and each piece has such a life of it’s own.

  5. It’s the first time I’ve posted on Inspire Thursday site and it’s great to get so many comments. I really enjoyed making this quilt – I’m glad you liked it too.

  6. I love this! This being is an indescribable energy that feels good. He (or she) is very intentional in it’s emergence, or travel…and the circle provide portals of possibilities. Very dramatic statement, intriguing.
    Thank you!!

  7. I appreciate your honesty about using the circles in your art work. There has been so many times where I feel I over work my art and end up ruining it. I am glad you found away to include the circles because I do believe they add to the over all composition and plane. I love the texture of the bird. Good job!

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