bird girl

Next week I will be off to Port Townsend for Artfest. I haven’t even checked the supply lists yet for my three workshops that I will be taking. I have been so busy trying to finish up several custom journals that have been waiting on me and other amanobooks things. I am getting excited though to be immersed in the workshop frenzy that is artfest.

The theme for this year’s gallery is mysterious mortals and magical creatures. Or something like that. I hadn’t planned on doing anything since that’s not my normal subject matter. But then earlier this evening, I thought, why not try? Sometimes it’s good to get out of my comfort zone.

So this is what I created. Very mixed media, if that makes sense. Some collaged bits, a pencil drawing of the bird girl, acrylic paint. Then all of this is encased with wax and some oil paint. I really am enjoying experimenting with the wax. It is very freeing in a sense because I haven’t quite figured how to control it. Which is a good thing. It lets me loosen up and just go with whatever happens.

bird girl,mixed media encaustic on 6×6 inch panel

While this bird girl is very different from what I normally do, I still think that it’s me. Somehow. Hmmm.

Still trying to think of a more creative name. And I may do one more. Maybe with an owl.


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