busy, busy

watch over me, encaustic and mixed media
6 x 6 inches

The show went really well! They did such a great job of hanging my work. I was really impressed. When I first started going to art walks in Ballard, I dreamt of one day having my work up at Greener Lifestyles. Back then I never thought it would happen because I never dreamed that I would have a body of work to even approach a place! And then have the courage to approach them. It seems a fitting way to end my stay here in Seattle. It’s been such a great journey these past few years. And I am excited for what’s ahead. Whatever that may be. I feel like I’m just a baby, well a baby toddling around in this art journey of mine. Unsure at times, but excited to just being able to take that next step. If that makes any sense.

I got to visit with Tina for a long time which was great. Thank you Tina for coming out and for your support. It means so much to me. Megan Noel also stopped by and we got to catch up. A previous buyer of one of my painting from when I hung at Irwin’s last November came with his family and purchased a companion piece. I spoke to his wife for a long time and it turns out that we both have the same love for Orcas Island. It’s really interesting to talk to people and find things out like that.

I had to leave early Saturday night because my mom’s flight was delayed and so I ended up only being there from 6 – 7:30. I am so so sorry to have missed the people who came to visit – Karon Leigh and Matt Whitney. I feel terrible about it. I really appreciate the support and encouragement that comes from friends, especially other artist friends. Thank you!

My mom and I have a To-Do list about a mile long to get the house ready to go on the market and to pack our stuff to go to Chicago. Today we were actually able to cross out a few things. That feels good. And despite out busy-ness we took time to take a walk along the Sound to wave at my husband who is on Mt. Ranier this week. Behind everything that I’m doing this week, my thoughts are with him. Prayers for good weather, good conditions and for strength and fortitude are a constant murmur beneath my tongue.

whew. what a week. wait, is it only monday??


  1. I’m so happy the artwalk was such a success! I loved reading your stories about it and your fans. Goodness, I’m sure the stress of the move is creeping in. Hang in there! Hugs, Shari

  2. I am continually amazed at your dedication to your art-life, despite the craziness & stress of moving. “Grow” describes YOU. And I am sure this little bird IS watching over you. Isn’t it nice that you can take him with you when you leave? (I know this piece is sold, but you will still take that bird with you.)

    Take care.
    Love, Debi

  3. I think it is wonderful that you are going out and going after those art dreams of yours! baby steps in a big world of art. I love your work, the bird or crow..reminds me of a big black crow that sits on a wire outside my building. Everyday this week it sits high up watching over me- very much like this piece.

  4. The show was wonderful! I’ll be going back this weekend to look again when I pick up my pieces. I hope in all your packing you’re able to have a great visit with your mom as well.

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