Crescent Moon, Venus and Wren at the Break of Dawn

Crescent Moon, Venus and Wren at the Break of Dawn, gouache and pencil on paper
Fine art print is available in my Shop, $35

My son has always been a very early riser and usually wakes up to his own inner alarm clock before I do. But I think he must be entering the crazy growing phase of the preteen years and he is starting to sleep in a bit. The other morning I actually woke up before him and went to wake him up. I entered his dark room and opened up the curtains and blinds to gently wake him with natural light. But it was still darkish out and when I pulled up the blinds I was welcomed by the most beautiful sight- the slim crescent moon hanging low in the early morning sky and a very bright star beneath. My son woke up and I said, “Come look at how beautiful this is, that start is so bright!” And he sleepily replied, “That must be a planet”. And he was right, it turned out to be Venus.

When I went to open the other window, a little wren hopped onto the bare winter branches of the Crape Myrtle in front of our house. I just love Wrens and their happy energy. I watched him watching the world before him before he flitted away.

Later in the day I had a moment of time open up in the afternoon and I grabbed my watercolor pad and gouache set and sat down to capture these two quiet moments from my early morning.

I observe and remember in images and emotion. And then I paint. The emotion is often wonder. Awe. A sense mystery. Gratitude.

I will always feel grateful to be able to process my observations of the world around me in this way.

“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
― Mary Oliver


  1. This is a beautiful capturing of a moment. The energy of the wren and it’s place in the universe, part of the constellation, a relationship…
    Sorry to say I’m not a buyer, but also an artist. Just wanted to comment… nice work!

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