current encaustics show

It just occured to me that I never posted a photo of the wall where I have my latest encaustic paintings hanging at the Starbucks.

starbucks wall

I spent so much time trying to get those paintings to balance on that wire contraption!! It was a bit maddening. I was worried about how the paintings would look on the red wall, but I think that it actually looks nice. Thanks Mien for your comment on flickr.

The show will be up until August 1st at the Magnolia Village Starbucks in Seattle, 3300 W. McGraw St.

Pink Poppy
pink poppy, encaustic, 10×10 inches

This piece, “Pink Poppy” just found a new home. I’m posting this now as I don’t think I ever posted it on my blog before. Sometimes it is hard to let certain paintings go as it is for this particular piece. But at the same time, art is meant to be shared with others. And in a sense, a painting is complete when it finds its final owner.


  1. oh shucks. Bridgette. it’s not even my painting and i am already sad to hear that that painting is getting a new owner…i love that painting! and wish i was the new owner!! hmph. but yes, art should be shared…at least i have it in my flickr favorites… :).

    i see Pink Poppy more as a self-portrait than a still life, and can’t help but associate the quiet elegance with its maker…so pretty and soothing to look at…i could look at it all day long.

    the group picture looks even better in this space here. did you decide to just let the wire hang down past the paintings?

  2. Thanks Leah!

    Thanks Mien. Your words are so sweet and mean a lot to me.

    I didn’t get to choose how to hang the paintings. They had the system set up with wire and hooks so that people don’t go and hammer in nails all over their wall. And it just happened with the way I spaced the paintings out that the wire hung down beyond the bottom paintings

  3. the wall is more of a berry color, I think a real red would not have gone well with your muted tones. The pieces look grand, well done ;D

  4. congratulations on your show, bri – it looks great on the rich painted wall and i can only imagine how tricky it was to hang!
    i too LOVE the pink poppy, very fortunate owner; your work continually speaks to and amazes me.

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