embracing encaustic

Yesterday afternoon I received my contributor’s copy of Linda Womack’s book Embracing Encaustic. Linda was so kind to include two of my encaustic pieces in this revised 2nd edition. I have not had a chance yet to sit still and read through it all, but I have flipped through the pages and the photos are wonderful.

There are about 25 artists featured in the book with information on how their featured piece was created. I can’t wait to read it and be inspired to try some new techniques. I already feel inspired by just looking at the photos.

I believe Linda is planning a few book release parties in Portland, Oregon as well as one in Beverly, Massachusetts during the Second Annual Encaustic Conference. I so wish I were going to that. There’s always next year.


  1. yay! for being included in the book! i think i will go buy it just because you’re in it. :). and also congrats on many more sold paintings to come.

  2. Congrats on the sale earlier in the week! And I can’t wait to see more of this book. I love Linda’s work and it’s even more exciting now that I know I can see your work in it too!



  3. I didn’t know you were in there! Well deserved! I am planning on taking some classes from her next month while I am in portland! 🙂 STILL want to embrace encaustics…

  4. Bridgette-
    I just got back from the Encaustics Conference. So sorry you didn’t come as I would have loved to meet you in person.

    You work continues to inspire me.


    By the way, Linda sold out of books, but somehow that didn’t surprise us all.

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